Common Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Stool Tests

Are you a gastro patient preparing for a stool test? Ensuring your samples are collected and handled correctly throughout the process to get accurate results is key. Unfortunately, it is common for mistakes to be made during collection, which can lead to inaccurate assurances or incorrect diagnoses of various gastrointestinal illnesses and conditions.

Let’s talk about some of the most common stool test blunders so you can avoid them when collecting your next sample and where you can go for stool tests in California.

Don’t Forget to Refrigerate Your Sample If Required by the Laboratory

When submitting samples to the laboratory, certain guidelines are needed to ensure accurate results. One of the most important things to keep in mind is the temperature requirements for your sample. It is vital that you refrigerate your sample if the laboratory requires it, as failure to do so could lead to altered results. Take the time to double-check the requirements and ensure that your sample is properly stored and transported to the lab. Your diligence will pay off in accurate and reliable test results.

Wear Gloves

When collecting a stool sample, taking the necessary precautions to avoid contact with contaminated material is crucial. Collecting a sample without gloves on can be a recipe for disaster. Not only can it put your health at risk, but it can also spread harmful bacteria to others. So, before collecting a stool sample, put on a pair of gloves first. This simple step can go a long way in protecting yourself and others from the dangers of contamination. Remember, safety comes first!

Always the Instructions

Performing a stool test is a major step in maintaining your overall health. But if you want to get accurate results, paying attention to every detail of the process is crucial. Refrain from assuming that you know what you are doing or that you can skip any steps in the instructions provided by your lab. Follow each step as directed, and ensure you understand what you need to do before starting. Skipping just one step could affect the test outcome and prevent you from getting the necessary answers. So, remember, always follow your lab’s instructions when doing a stool test, and do not leave out any steps.

Do not Eat or Drink Within Two Hours of Taking the Sample

One important aspect of an accurate stool test is ensuring food or drink has not been consumed within two hours of taking the sample. This may seem inconvenient, but ensuring that the sample is not contaminated and that the results are as precise as possible is necessary. So, next time you need to provide a sample, plan ahead and abstain from eating or drinking for a little while beforehand. Your efforts will be worth it for the peace of mind with accurate test results.

State-of-the-Art Gastrointestinal Assessments and Treatments

If you are having digestive problems, trust the outstanding care provided at Genensis Healthcare Partners, now Unio Specialty Care, an affiliate of Unio Health Partners, in California. Our board-certified and fellowship-trained GI doctors, including Stefan J. Chin, MD, in Burlingame, frequently perform stool testing and numerous other procedures for qualifying patients.

To know more about our comprehensive services, call us today or request an appointment online.

We look forward to serving you and helping you have the best possible GI health.