Low Testosterone

For patients with low testosterone levels, treatment is not always necessary. However, for symptomatic men with low testosterone levels who desire treatment, there is an ever-increasing selection of T delivery formulations.
Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone

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Testosterone levels in men diminish with age as a part of normal aging. Symptoms due to low testosterone may include decreasing erections, sexual desire, mood, sleep, muscle and bone mass with increased lethargy and weight gain. If a low testosterone level is suspected, laboratory levels should be checked before 10 am. In the symptomatic male with a low testosterone level, hormonal workup is generally warranted.

For patients with low testosterone levels, treatment is not always necessary. However, for symptomatic men with low testosterone levels who desire treatment, there is an ever-increasing selection of T delivery formulations. Intramuscular injection of testosterone has been historically administered every 1-2 weeks. Gels and patches are also commonly used. Oral preparations and nasal sprays are now available, though expensive. At Unio Specialty Care, we offer implantable testosterone pellets, which typically last 4-6 months. Oral medications for ED can be more effective when combined with testosterone replacement. Side effects of testosterone replacement may include more snoring with sleep apnea, thickened blood, and sometimes more difficulty with urination. Multiple studies have shown that testosterone replacement does not increase the risk of prostate cancer, though they must be used with caution in patients with prostate cancer.

For more in depth information on Low Testosterone, please refer to this Urology Care Foundation™ link:
Low Testosterone: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment