Urologic Cancers

We treat & manage urologic cancers, including testicular cancer, penile cancer, bladder & urethral cancer, kidney cancer, prostate cancer & more.
Vaginal Cancer

How is bladder cancer treated?

Treatment of bladder cancer depends on a variety of factors, including the aggressiveness (grade) and extent (stage) of the disease. Our physicians provide appropriate treatment for the spectrum of bladder cancer. Most bladder cancers can be removed during an outpatient procedure through a small camera placed into the bladder via the urethra.

Certain bladder cancers can recur with great frequency. At Unio Specialty Care, we can place medication into the bladder in our office to help reduce the recurrence of bladder cancer.

Sometimes, radical cystectomy (or anterior pelvic exenteration) is the best option for aggressive, muscle invasive bladder cancer. Our Providers have performed far and away the most radical cystectomies in California. He is familiar with all of the urinary reconstructive techniques. Using your intestine, he can reroute the normal flow of urine out of the body and/or build a new bladder out of it.

How is prostate cancer treated?

The management of prostate cancer involves the urologist, the radiation oncologist and the patient working together to decide on the appropriate treatment. Our physicians are experienced and adept at the da Vinci prostatectomy, but this is not the only option. We routinely counsel our patients to meet with one of our radiation oncology colleagues to discuss radiation options. Additionally, we believe very strongly in active surveillance for the management of low risk prostate cancer. We are highly experienced in managing our active surveillance population with not only prostate biopsy, but also with ultrasound, MRI and blood and urine testing.

How is kidney cancer treated?

If discovered in the early stages, kidney cancer is most often managed surgically. The great majority of our patients with kidney cancer have kidney masses that are best suited for the laparoscopic or robotic technique (either partial nephrectomy or nephrectomy). However, some renal masses are simply too large to approach laparoscopically, and we are well-versed in the open nephrectomy for large renal masses.

How are renal pelvic and ureteral cancers treated?

Similar to kidney masses, most renal pelvic and ureteral cancers are able to be treated either endoscopically with the ureteroscopic technique or laparoscopically with the laparoscopic nephroureterectomy. As with any laparoscopic operation, the size of the mass may necessitate an open operation, which our physicians routinely perform.

How is testicular cancer treated?

Testicular cancer is generally a disease affecting young men, and the diagnosis of cancer at a young age can be troubling. The radical orchiectomy for diagnosis and staging is critical. Appropriate post-op counseling for additional treatment requires up-to-date knowledge of treatment protocols. Our physicians are not only technically experienced but also knowledgeable and compassionate and will work together with the patient and family to outline a treatment plan.

How is penile cancer treated?

Though exceedingly rare, our physicians are experienced at managing penile cancer. Like bladder cancer, the treatment depends on the aggressiveness (grade) and extent (stage) of the disease. Penile-sparing surgical techniques are offered when appropriate, and resection (partial or radical penectomy) is recommended when indicated. Inguinal (groin) lymph node dissection is also critical in the management of this potentially deadly disease.

How is adrenal cancer treated?

It is rare that an adrenal mass is large enough to require a traditional open operation; most are treated with the laparoscopic adrenalectomy. In the rare scenario that an open operation is necessary, our experience and knowledge of anatomy are essential for the appropriate management of adrenal cancer.